Top SEM Agency


SEM Services We Provide to Our Clients

Banners ads logo

Banner Ads

We make creative banner ads and place them on the right pages to get you maximum conversions

display advertizing logo,how ads are displayed on serp page

Display Advertizing

We run image-based ads for your brand across various websites where your audience is present

shopping ads logo

Shopping Ads

We create shopping ads for E-commerce websites such that your business gets a high number of sales.

ppc compaign logo. there is a arrow to target for right customer

PPC Campaign

We create Pay Per Click Campaigns for your business so that customers find you when they’re looking for your products/services

mobile app installation logo

Mobile App Installs

Our team will create and run campaigns using a strategy suited for your business to get maximum app installations

video advertising

Video Advertizing

We can create and run creative video ads for your business for a higher engagement with your audience

SEM Services

At Citricidms, we believe SEO, content, paid media and PR work best when they’re linked tightly through sound and effective strategy. SEM, unlike the paid searches and optimisation techniques, relies wholly on the foundation of strategy and delivery at the precise time and moment. We say this often enough and believe that we like to push boundaries and are different because we do things differently.

Each of these areas is where we outshine others. Our SEO is based on our metrics algorithm that helps in data analysis and outcomes to tweak the content into more engaging and shareable forms and targeting the PR and outreach from bloggers for higher visibility. Excellent media contacts, leading blogs and the never die attitude that earning is performance-related has enabled our being the first choice when it comes to our approach in SEM.

Why us vs. our worthy competitors?

sem services

We have learnt to unlearn and relearn our strategies from watching our competitors and going a step ahead. Without any doubt, the best process combines the four vital ingredients of analysis and audit, effective SEM and content birthing, the quality interweaving of links and the optimisation of all resources available including the budget. Through next-generation data analytics and futuristic thinking, we focus on matching the right message to the moment while softly engaging, educating and unobtrusively converting.

Our metrics system uses a committed, highly professional team of SEM managers to convert technical matrices into key performance indices and strategies based on managing expectations, generating leads, converting sales, improving user experience and using search optimisation for delivering optimal RoI. We score when you earn, and your success and growth mean we stand proud for winning your trust and exceeding expectations.

We believe in learning from the competition not just what’s right but rather what went wrong. Our analysis helps us strategise in finding your ideal customers, helping them find us, and giving you the maximum digital power output each time, every time.

Why Citricidms for the best SEM Services?

Trillions of businesses are out there vying for the same. Paid searches with effective Google Ads in Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is the most effective way to optimally promote your products and grow your business in an ever increasingly competitive marketplace. Citricidms believes in Quality - Efficiency – Growth.

At Citricidms we understand that the only constant in change is CHANGE itself. That’s why we adapt our fluency in every aspect of a Paid Search, Google Shopping, Trueview, pure Google Ads, RLSAs, and much more to adapt and evolve with every small PPC change.

We get your brand the maximum exposure it deserves through thoughtful strategising of both SEO to drive the constant top of the funnel traffic and push for cost-effective conversions at the bottom of the funnel because we believe the pudding that is mostly eaten, tastes unique and comes at an optimum price!

Our recipe for awareness to conversion success uses your money as a spice vital to growth, results and taste! Huge budgets are no longer a limiting constraint as we bring to the table the latest AI techniques in advanced Data Analysis and the most performing plug-ins and tools to monitor customer data, analyse data from virtually all digital sources and maximise the intuitive reporting interface for those crucial insights and empowering informed decision making in real time. What’s more, we combine it with the no-nonsense approach of using our uncommon common-sense to be able to position your brand the right way at the right time and place with clarity and finesse. Conversions count and so does your RoI!

No matter the device, channel, or moment we use it to your digital marketing advantage because we believe in delivering every strategy, campaign and index by owning it completely from inception through performance to success. That’s when we stand tall and valued beside you.


The audience is always our target. A team of data analysts and search engine experts sit together to find out the target group where promotion of your business would find success. Intensive research is done to ensure that the target audience is reached without any sort of difficulty. Another vital thing to keep in mind while planning for SEM is to create Brand Awareness. Our team has been trained and experienced in providing some of the best plans for SEM campaigns that would make people aware of your brand and increase it’s visibility in the digital market. We have been known to ensure hundred percent guarantee on providing the best return on investment rate with well curated campaigns that would deliver the best possible results. We strongly believe that reports are an important part to make any strategy a success, hence, we make and present monthly reports mapping the performance of the campaign and tweak the plan so that the plans can become even more efficient. With all these talents and tricks we have built an unique platform that provide various search engine marketing services, like:

  1. PPC Campaigns

    We have a team to create carefully thought after pay per click campaigns that make sure you are visible when customers are looking for your services.

  2. Display Advertizing

    We create image based ads to run them on platforms and website where your target audience is present.

  3. Video Advertizing

    For greater engagement, we make sure to run creative video ads on various platforms.

  4. Mobile App Installs

    Maximum apps installations are ensured by well-planned campaigns and strategies.

  5. Shopping Ads

    We are adept in creating shopping ads on e-commerce websites so that your brand can become visible.

  6. Banner Ads

    We have a team that creates beautiful and relevant banner ads to take your brand to the next level.

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